Saturday, May 12, 2007

definitivt definert

Since the late 199o, the word h i p s t e r has resurfaced as an often
derisive label for individuals or stereotypes of individuals devoted
to retro fashions, independent music and film, alternative comics,

and other youthful forms of expression that were once outside,
but have become part of, the mainstream.

Since the 2000's, the term h i p s t e r has ironically been used to
describe mainstream youth culture, most notably by routine blogging,
an expensive array of "cheap" (kjip) looking clothes and the excessive
spending of money - aka. moneyBags- (usually parental allowance) on,
among other things, designer drugs and miscellaneous electronics such
as cellphones, robot pets and MP3 players (Apple'siPod being the most
popular player available).Modern day h i p s t e r s can be found in most
urban communities. H i p s t e r s also frequent thrift shops and trendy museums.


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